Monday, December 12, 2011

Do checks still work with deactivated debit card?

I had to deactivate my debit card because it was stolen, can I still use checks from the same account number? Or is my whole account temporarily frozen until I get a new card?

I wish we lived in a country where you were publicly flogged if you get caught stealing.|||Your checks will work just fine.... because they draw money from the account.

Only problem.... who takes checks anymore?

The number on the debit card is not your checking account number. So when they deactivate the debit card it does not affect your checking account. The only thing that happens is that the stolen, deactivated debit card can no longer access your bank account.|||As long as your account is still active, you can write checks. You just can't use the old card. This is why debit/ATM cards do not contain your actual account number on them; if the card number is compromised, it doesn't compromise the actual account number.

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