Thursday, December 8, 2011

Can a teenager with a savings account have a debit card?

My 14 year old has a saving account at our bank, (Suncost Schools) and wants to now if he can get a debit card. Any info about this would be a big help. Thanks guys!|||Debit cards can not be linked to savings accounts, only checking accounts.

A 14 year old can have a checking account but an adult will have to be listed on the account as well since a minor can not be the sole person on the account.

Prepaid debit cards might also be an option. Your son would be able to take money from his account and purchase a prepaid debit card to use instead of having a card linked directly to a checking account.|||Prepaid Debit Cards

As an alternative to opening bank accounts, prepaid debit cards allow parents to control their child's spending without fear. Prepaid debit cards are not attached to bank accounts. Instead, they function more like re-loadable gift cards.

How Prepaid Debit Cards Work

Prepaid debit cards are funded with a particular amount of money to establish the spending limit. People can then use the cards wherever traditional debit cards are accepted until the balance is exhausted. At that time, the card is unable to be used until more money is added to the balance.

Keep in mind that not all banks will issue a minor a debit card to be used in conjunction with the account. The first step a minor might choose to take would be contacting the checking account manager (or customer service) of the bank where one's parents hold accounts, for information about state banking regulations.|||Umm well i believe only people with a checkinqs account can get a debit card.... but you WILL have to ask your bank about that...|||if he has his own bank account, yes, he can get a debit card.

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