Sunday, December 4, 2011

How old do I need to be for a debit card?

I am 14 years of age (15 on 23 May) I live in the UK and I am a customer at Nationwide Bank. Am I eligible for a debit card or do I need parental permission?|||Think best thing is to ask Nationwide what their policy is. Don't know whether your parents would need to sign anything as you can only pay/draw cash on debit card if there is money in your account.|||You can get a debit card these days when your 11!

Different banks will have different ages or debit cards, but you can get a Solo debit card from natwest with their 11-16 accounts.

Ive had a Solo since 12 or 13 with natwest and had a visa electron debit card since 15 with Barclays!

Don't think you need permission from parents if you already have an account.

Some banks don't do debit cards at all for under 18's (I know there is one uk bank that doesn't) So best bet, is to ask your bank first (I walked into to mine at 15) and ask them what the process is. Then go from there!

Good Luck!|||Yo might want to wait another 3 years (to get it yourself with no questions asked) because it would better to do this and other things, ON YOUR OWN. And besides if you do it right now, all you are going to do is get you and your 'mum' in all kinds of craziness like her driving you bananas on your limits, you shouldn't want that right now in your life. I'm 18 now (I'm in the US) and look at me, I even got a credit card; the point is you need to do what I did: WAIT!!!|||I'm not sure about Nationwide, but I got a debit card when I was 15 from RBS. The account is called RBS Revolve, and it's directly for people between 11-18 years old. You also get loads of great bonuses such as 2 for 1 cinema cards :)|||16. Well that's when I first got mine with Barclays!|||Reallly there isn't a age that you need to be to get one. Although it is your parents choice when they think you are old enough to get one...=)|||I think 16 . You might have to use hole in the wall and cash for now

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