Thursday, December 8, 2011

When using a debit card as credit at a gas station can i get cash back?

I have a visa debit card from my bank and I forgot my pin number so i always run it as credit. But now I am wanting to take some money out. Can I get cash back?|||Ordinarily not without a pin but it's possible you could talk the clerk into ringing up a larger amount than your purchase and giving you the difference back in cash. The reason is if you use a pin the merchant pays a flat fee to handle the transaction. It costs him nothing to give you cash back. If you don't use a pin they pay a percentage of the transaction amount. If you didn't really buy anything then they're giving the credit card money for nothing.|||Nope. To get cash back it has to be run as a debit transaction using your PIN.

Contact your bank to reset your PIN.|||Not unless you know your PIN number.

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